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时间:2017-12-30 09:23:01   来源:   作者:   点击:3403次
Personal Information:
·         Citizenship: USA
·         Date of Birth: 28/07/1995
·         Gender: Female
·         TEFL certified, college graduate, seeking a teaching position in Rome, Italy.
·         Experience teaching English in art history to Italian students at Manara High School in Rome.
·         Experience teaching business English as a second language to adults in the United States.
International TEFL Academy                                                    Chicago, IL
TEF/TESOL Certification,                                                          July 2017
·         150 hours of course work
·         20 hours of Practicum
Temple University                                                         Philadelphia, PA
Bachelors of Arts in Psychology                                                    May 2017
·         Grade Point Average: 3.91
·         Studied abroad in Rome, Italy from August,2016-December,2016.
Teaching Experience:
Darby Language School                                                            Rome, ITA
English/Biology Teacher                                                       August 2017
·         Conducting biology lessons in English with Italian students in order for students to obtain a special certificate ensuring their admittance to an international university.
·         Preparing various levels of students for their Cambridge exams in May which will allow them to receive international recognition for  an English certificate completion.
·         Teaching adults in their professional careers how to use English practically and advising them on how to prepare for various business presentations.
Free Library of Philadelphia: Independence Branch                        Philadelphia, PA
Assistant English as a Second Language Teacher                            May 2017-July 2017    
·         Worked with adult students in improving their professional/business English to increase their likelihood for obtaining employment in the United States.
·         Designed strategies for job interviews and engaged in interview role play so that students were confident and able to apply for an interview at any agency in the United States.
·         Reviewed and explained common phrases and processes used by employers and businesses in the United States so that students could apply and begin to work with employers.
Liceo Classico Statale Luciano Manara                                            Rome, ITA
Art History Teaching Assistant                                September  2016-December  2016
·         Created and planned art history lesson plans for three different classes each week, in accordance with the teacher’s art historical timeline. 
·         Conducted oral discussions after the lesson to ensure that students comprehended what was taught in English, and evaluated their speaking proficiency in English.
·         Taught students how to describe and analyze art compositions and architecture in English to prepare students for secondary education.
Additional Work Experience:
Kleinfeld Hotel Blocks                                                         New York, NY
Sales Consultant                                                          February 2016-current
·         Booked hotels for brides that needed multiple rooms for family and friends traveling in for their wedding evening.
·         Assisted in guiding and recommending the best hotel options for brides based on their personal needs, and successfully negotiated better hotel rates.
Brulee Catering                                                         Philadelphia, PA
Server/Bartender                                                February 2015-July 2017
·         Served and provided excellent customer service to over one hundred guests per event.
·         Trained and managed new employees who were hired as a server or bartender.
Armani Exchange                                                             Philadelphia, PA
Brand Ambassador                                            September 2014- December 2015    
·         Planned and organized outfits for clients depending on the type of event they were attending.
·         Designed mannequin displays for the store to advertise new merchandise.
Languages Studied:  Intermediate Level Spanish, Basic Level Italian
Computer Software:  Microsoft Office, Word Perfect
Other: Social media, communication, hospitality, and customer service.
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